Extra Virgin Olive Oil Oleoestepa Selection 250 ml

Extra virgin olive oil, combination of the varieties of olives grown in the region of the Estepa Denomination of Origin. Early harvested and cold extracted.

It has the certification of sustainable grown of Integrated Production and the high quality certified by the Protected Designation of Origin Estepa.

This product is available for purchase by the full case or bottles.


Protected Designation of Origin Estepa Integrated production Kosher Early harvest Cold extraction High content of Vitamin E

Procede de aceitunas de la variedad dominante en nuestra Comarca de Estepa, tiene una intensidad en el frutado típico de nuestra variedad Hojiblanca que recuerda a la hierba fresca cortada y a manzana. En boca las intensidades moderadas del amargo y picante los hacen muy apreciados para salsas, pescados a la plancha y ensaladas.

El vidrio es el envase que ofrece mejores condiciones higiénicas y de seguridad. Oleoestepa usa el vidrio oscuro porque protege mejor el aceite de oliva virgen extra de la luz. En el envase de cristal debemos destacar además su posibilidad de reciclado, lo que contribuye positivamente al cuidado del medio ambiente.

Cata: Tiene un frutado que recuerda a la hierba fresca cortada y a manzana, que junto a las intensidades medias de los atributos picante y amargo, caracterizan a la variedad más importante de nuestro territorio

Producción Integrada:El cultivo del olivar mediante la aplicación de técnicas de Producción Integrada es un modelo respetuoso con el medio ambiente para obtener productos de alta calidad, con todas las garantías de seguridad alimentaria y sin renunciar a la capacidad productiva de la explotación, haciendo un uso racional de los recursos naturales, especialmente el agua, a la vez que cuida en este cultivo evitar la erosión de nuestros suelos, apra así garantizar a largo plazo una agricultura sostenible, y dejar mañana un planeta más habitable.

El uso del logotipo de Producción Integrada en nuestro etiquetado está autorizado por la Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía, por cumplir lo establecido para los aceites de Producción Integrada.

972 Items

Data sheet

Description of formats
This product is available for purchase by the full case or bottles.
84 22975 004005
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Specific References


Oleoestepa Selección

This extra virgin olive oil is the result of a successful combination of the Hojiblanca and Arbequina varieties, resulting in an oil that is very smooth and delicate with an aroma of freshly green olive and hints of ripe olives, an intermediate result, striking a balance between the strong personality of the Hojiblanca and the sweetness of the Arbequina.

On the palate, apple and almond are noted with an elegant balance of bitterness and spiciness.

This is a very versatile oil to be used for cooking or combined fresh with a variety of dishes, from salads to rice and fine pastries.

Its high quality gives it a high content of vitamin E. Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage.

This extra virgin olive oil is the result of agronomic and productive techniques that respect the environment, certified with the Integrated Production seal.

Its high quality is certified by the Estepa Designation of Origin, which has the most demanding quality requirements in the market.

For optimal preservation of the organoleptic properties of this extra virgin olive oil, we recommend preserving it in a cardboard box, away from light and preferably in cool places.

Available formats: 250 ml, 500 ml and 750 ml glass; 2,5 l and 5 l tin.

Barcode: 84 22975 004005

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Denominación de Origen Protegida Estepa

Estepa PDO Certification

The Regulatory Council of the Estepa Protected Designation of Origin establishes the highest quality requirements for of all the Denominations, guaranteeing the high quality of the protected oils.

Extracción en frío

Cold extraction.

The entire process used to extract the oil from fresh and healthy olives is carried out at a temperature below 27ºC, preserving its organoleptic properties.

Vitamina E

High vitamin E content.

Thanks to its excellent quality, rich in polyphenols and oleocanthal, this oil has a high vitamin E content which helps protect cells against oxidative damage.


Integrated Production

The system of agricultural techniques used in the cultivation of olive trees and production in the extraction of oil is respectful of the environment, and bears the Organic Production and Integrated Production Certificates.

Origen cooperativo

Cooperative origin

Oleoestepa is an extra virgin olive oil producing cooperative that brings together the efforts of 18 associated cooperatives and their over 6,500 olive growing families to sustainably produce the best extra virgin olive oil from more than 8 million olive trees.

Certificado Kosher

Kosher Certificate

This seal refers to foods that comply with the precepts of Jewish law.